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See All 56 ReviewsMeet Monica Velour (2010) - IMDb
When an awkward teen meets his favorite porn star, whose career peaked in the '80s, an unexpected friendship follows as the young man gets a glimpse inside Monica Velour's current life as a single mom struggling to make ends meet..
Meet Monica Velour (2011) - Rotten Tomatoes
Blessed with a promising concept for a dark comedy, "Meet Monica Velour" would rather tug heartstrings or script repetitive behavior from derivative characters..
Meet Monica Velour - Wikipedia
Meet Monica Velour is a 2010 American independent comedy-drama film written and directed by Keith Bearden. The film premiered at the 2010 Tribeca Film Festival..
Meet Monica Velour on iTunes
In this irreverent comedy, awkward teenager Tobe (Dustin Ingram) sets off on a road trip to meet Monica Velour (Kim Cattrall of TV’s SEX & THE CITY), his favorite ’80s porn star, at a rare live appearance hundreds of miles away..

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